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European Outdoor Conservation Association — Funding for Conservation Projects 2017

The EOCA makes grants for field-based projects in wildlife conservation; protection of forests and wetlands; litter clean-up on trails and mountains; environmental education in local communities; and other initiatives in support of nature-based travel and tourism. Grants are to nonprofit organizations in amounts up to €30 thousand for projects of one to two years anywhere in the world (except North America). The next application period is 01 July 2017 through 31 July 2017.

The EOCA makes grants for field-based projects in wildlife conservation; protection of forests and wetlands; litter clean-up on trails and mountains; environmental education in local communities; and other initiatives in support of nature-based travel and tourism. Grants are to nonprofit organizations in amounts up to €30 thousand for projects of one to two years anywhere in the world (except North America). The next application period is 01 July 2017 through 31 July 2017.