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JRS Biodiversity Foundation — Freshwater Biodiversity and Pollinator Biodiversity in Africa 2017

The JRS Biodiversity Foundation aims to increase the access to and the use of information for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa. JRS invites proposals for multi-year projects, and for planning grants to prepare multi-year projects. Projects in the theme of freshwater diversity should increase access to and use of biodiversity information relating to freshwater biodiversity assessment and the conservation of freshwater ecosystem services in eastern and southern Africa. Projects in the theme of pollinator biodiversity should increase access to and use of biodiversity information relating to pollinator biodiversity assessment and the conservation of pollinator services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Each multi-year grant will range from about US$50 thousand to about US$250 thousand. Proposals are expected to have strong capacity-building components.  The deadline for submitting proposals is 22 February 2017. 

The JRS Biodiversity Foundation aims to increase the access to and the use of information for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa. JRS invites proposals for multi-year projects, and for planning grants to prepare multi-year projects. Projects in the theme of freshwater diversity should increase access to and use of biodiversity information relating to freshwater biodiversity assessment and the conservation of freshwater ecosystem services in eastern and southern Africa. Projects in the theme of pollinator biodiversity should increase access to and use of biodiversity information relating to pollinator biodiversity assessment and the conservation of pollinator services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Each multi-year grant will range from about US$50 thousand to about US$250 thousand. Proposals are expected to have strong capacity-building components.  The deadline for submitting proposals is 22 February 2017.