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UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council — UK-China Offshore Renewables Energy

This is the second of three calls planned under the “UK-China Joint Programme in Low-Carbon Innovation.” The call defines five areas related to offshore renewable energy for joint research participation by UK and Chinese scientists and engineers. UK researchers will be funded with five awards in the order of up to £800 thousand per award over three years. The Natural Science Foundation of China will contribute up to 3 million RMB per project to support Chinese researchers. Expressions of interest need to be submitted by 10 February 2017. 

This is the second of three calls planned under the “UK-China Joint Programme in Low-Carbon Innovation.” The call defines five areas related to offshore renewable energy for joint research participation by UK and Chinese scientists and engineers. UK researchers will be funded with five awards in the order of up to £800 thousand per award over three years. The Natural Science Foundation of China will contribute up to 3 million RMB per project to support Chinese researchers. Expressions of interest need to be submitted by 10 February 2017.