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West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use — Capacity Building Workshop

The West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), in collaboration with NASA and the University of Missouri, will be conducting a capacity building workshop on the theme of “Interdisciplinary Remote Sensing, Modeling, and Validation of Environmental Processes.“ The workshop, to be held in Ghana in June 2017, is for advanced doctoral students and early-career scientists across all countries of West Africa. It will focus on advanced analysis of satellite and climate data for multi-sectoral applications, including climate, agriculture and water resources. The workshop will take sponsored and self-sponsored participants. Tuition and workshop fees will be waived for sponsored participants. The deadline for expressions of interest is 15 March 2017. 

The West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), in collaboration with NASA and the University of Missouri, will be conducting a capacity building workshop on the theme of “Interdisciplinary Remote Sensing, Modeling, and Validation of Environmental Processes.“ The workshop, to be held in Ghana in June 2017, is for advanced doctoral students and early-career scientists across all countries of West Africa. It will focus on advanced analysis of satellite and climate data for multi-sectoral applications, including climate, agriculture and water resources. The workshop will take sponsored and self-sponsored participants. Tuition and workshop fees will be waived for sponsored participants. The deadline for expressions of interest is 15 March 2017.