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Eable Foundation — Grassroots Water Supply and Environment in East Africa

The Eable Foundation aims to build partnerships with community groups and NGOs in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Focus areas include “Water for Life” to fund boreholes, rainwater tanks, water pipes and pumps, water purification, integrated water and sanitation blocks, and other approaches to improve community water and sanitation. The foundation also supports tree planting, and clean environment at Eable’s manufacturing and distribution points. Applications can be submitted at any time. 

The Eable Foundation aims to build partnerships with community groups and NGOs in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Focus areas include “Water for Life” to fund boreholes, rainwater tanks, water pipes and pumps, water purification, integrated water and sanitation blocks, and other approaches to improve community water and sanitation. The foundation also supports tree planting, and clean environment at Eable’s manufacturing and distribution points. Applications can be submitted at any time.