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U.S. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation — Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund 2017

The Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund supports efforts to increase the population numbers of monarch butterflies in North America (USA, Mexico, Canada). The priority is projects in the eastern population’s migratory flyway. Proposals are also invited for projects in the western USA, Canada, and Mexico. Grants are up to two years in length, and will generally range from US$50 thousand to US$250 thousand. The program requires matching funds of at least 1:1. The deadline for pre-proposals is 13 March 2017.

The Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund supports efforts to increase the population numbers of monarch butterflies in North America (USA, Mexico, Canada). The priority is projects in the eastern population’s migratory flyway. Proposals are also invited for projects in the western USA, Canada, and Mexico. Grants are up to two years in length, and will generally range from US$50 thousand to US$250 thousand. The program requires matching funds of at least 1:1. The deadline for pre-proposals is 13 March 2017.