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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation of Wetlands and Migratory Birds in Mexico

The USFWS Mexican Standard Grants Program supports public-private partnerships carrying out projects in Mexico that further the goals of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. These projects involve long-term protection, restoration, enhancement, and/or establishment of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of wetlands-associated migratory birds. The program also funds activities in technical training, education, sustainable-use studies, and organizational infrastructure to develop or strengthen capabilities in wetlands conservation and management.  Eligibility to apply for the grants is unrestricted. Applicants need to provide a 1:1 match of resources. The application deadline is 30 June 2017. Link

The USFWS Mexican Standard Grants Program supports public-private partnerships carrying out projects in Mexico that further the goals of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. These projects involve long-term protection, restoration, enhancement, and/or establishment of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of wetlands-associated migratory birds. The program also funds activities in technical training, education, sustainable-use studies, and organizational infrastructure to develop or strengthen capabilities in wetlands conservation and management.  Eligibility to apply for the grants is unrestricted. Applicants need to provide a 1:1 match of resources. The application deadline is 30 June 2017. Link