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U.S. Agency for International Development — Improved Nutrition in Senegal

USAID announces funding of a 5-year project through the program Feed the Future to improve diets among the Senegalese population, particularly young children and women of reproductive age in selected zones of the country. Efforts may include expansion of nutrient-dense and bio-fortified crops such as orange-fleshed sweet potato, high-protein maize, iron-rich millet, moringa, mung bean, Sahel apple, and others — in addition to project activities that will improve food governance and increase women’s empowerment on matters of food selection. Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. Funding Opportunity RFA-685-17-000007. The closing date for applications is 24 July 2017. Link

USAID announces funding of a 5-year project through the program Feed the Future to improve diets among the Senegalese population, particularly young children and women of reproductive age in selected zones of the country. Efforts may include expansion of nutrient-dense and bio-fortified crops such as orange-fleshed sweet potato, high-protein maize, iron-rich millet, moringa, mung bean, Sahel apple, and others — in addition to project activities that will improve food governance and increase women’s empowerment on matters of food selection. Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. Funding Opportunity RFA-685-17-000007. The closing date for applications is 24 July 2017. Link