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European Commission — Marine and Coastal Biodiversity in Lebanon

The EC announces funding to enhance the protection and sustainable development of maritime resources in Lebanon. More specifically, activities should address how to recover the country’s affected marine ecosystems and to develop marine and coastal biodiversity.   Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs and universities in Lebanon, member states of the EU, and partner countries and territories covered by the European Neighborhood Instrument — in addition to qualifying international organizations. Grants will range from €250 thousand to €300 thousand, varying by cost shares. The deadline for concept notes is 05 July 2017. Link

The EC announces funding to enhance the protection and sustainable development of maritime resources in Lebanon. More specifically, activities should address how to recover the country’s affected marine ecosystems and to develop marine and coastal biodiversity.   Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs and universities in Lebanon, member states of the EU, and partner countries and territories covered by the European Neighborhood Instrument — in addition to qualifying international organizations. Grants will range from €250 thousand to €300 thousand, varying by cost shares. The deadline for concept notes is 05 July 2017. Link