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European award for cooperative innovation

Gain recognition for your cooperative solution in the agri-food chain and share your innovative practice across Europe – apply for the European Award for Cooperative Innovation by 23 June 2017.

Gain recognition for your cooperative solution in the agri-food chain and share your innovative practice across Europe – apply for the European Award for Cooperative Innovation by 23 June 2017.

The award is organised by Cogeca, the association of agri-cooperatives in the EU, and covers the following categories: ‘food processes’, ‘business model innovation’, ‘governance & members’ service’, ‘ICTs & digitalisation’.


  • Food processes
  • Business Model Innovation
  • Governance & Members’ Service
  • ICTs & Digitalisation

Application toolkit

The Award is open to the participation of all cooperatives in the agricultural, forestry, agri-food, bio-economy and fisheries sectors, members of any of the full members, automatically affiliated members or affiliated by admission members of COGECA.
After reading the Regulation of the European Award for Cooperative Innovation, please submit your entry application by Friday, 23rd June 2017. 

All relevant documents are here for download: