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Request for proposals: PEGASuS – Biodiversity and Natural assets

Future Earth is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for biodiversity research for global sustainability, the Program for Early-stage Grants Advancing Sustainability Science or PEGASuS – Biodiversity and Natural Assets.  This program is the first in a series of grants addressing the key challenges of Future Earth and the Future Earth Vision for “people to thrive in a sustainable and equitable world."

Future Earth is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for biodiversity research for global sustainability, the Program for Early-stage Grants Advancing Sustainability Science or PEGASuS – Biodiversity and Natural Assets.  This program is the first in a series of grants addressing the key challenges of Future Earth and the Future Earth Vision for “people to thrive in a sustainable and equitable world."

We expect to award four to eight grants this year to a total amount of approximately $600,000. Proposals are due June 5th, 2017 and are welcome from any institution from any country. Click here for the full Request for Proposals including application instructions. 

To apply, candidates need to register and submit their application on the Open Network.

This initiative is funded in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Science Program and the NOMIS Foundation. PEGASuS is jointly administered by the Colorado Hub of Future Earth* and Colorado State University's Global Biodiversity Center.

*The Colorado Hub of Future Earth is hosted by the Sustainability and Innovation Lab of Colorado at the University of Colorado, and the School of Global Environmental Sustainability at Colorado State University.

Picture credit: Future Earth