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Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust — Grants for Nature Conservation

The Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust awards a number of grants to individuals undertaking nature conservation projects in the UK and internationally (mainly developing countries).  Projects may involve practical habitat or species management, research, training, education, awareness raising or campaigning.  For the December 2017 round of applications, the Trust will be prioritising applications for conservation in the southwest UK as well as Indonesia (Sulawesi), Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe.  Most grants range from £500 to £1,500. The application deadlines are 31 March and 31 October of each year. Link

The Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust awards a number of grants to individuals undertaking nature conservation projects in the UK and internationally (mainly developing countries).  Projects may involve practical habitat or species management, research, training, education, awareness raising or campaigning.  For the December 2017 round of applications, the Trust will be prioritising applications for conservation in the southwest UK as well as Indonesia (Sulawesi), Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe.  Most grants range from £500 to £1,500. The application deadlines are 31 March and 31 October of each year. Link