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FRIDA — Climate and Environmental Justice for Women

FRIDA announces a special grant round for young feminist and young women-led groups focused on climate and environmental justice in targeted regions and countries.  Grants of up to US$5 thousand for one year (renewable) will be made to groups founded or led by young women or trans youth (under 30 years) that are committed to advancing and defending women’s rights from a feminist perspective; working towards climate and/or environmental justice; and that meet other defined criteria.  Eligibility extends to women’s groups formed in the past few years (2011-2017) in specified countries and territories of the Pacific Islands; Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa; Latin America; and Georgia. The deadline for applications (English, Spanish)  is 23 July 2017.  Link

FRIDA announces a special grant round for young feminist and young women-led groups focused on climate and environmental justice in targeted regions and countries.  Grants of up to US$5 thousand for one year (renewable) will be made to groups founded or led by young women or trans youth (under 30 years) that are committed to advancing and defending women’s rights from a feminist perspective; working towards climate and/or environmental justice; and that meet other defined criteria.  Eligibility extends to women’s groups formed in the past few years (2011-2017) in specified countries and territories of the Pacific Islands; Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa; Latin America; and Georgia. The deadline for applications (English, Spanish)  is 23 July 2017.  Link