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Taronga Conservation Society — Conservation Field Grants

The Taronga Conservation Society (Australia), associated with the Taronga zoos, calls for conservation field projects of 12-24 months for the cycle 2018-2019. Priority is for projects that demonstrate measurable conservation outcomes in the field; that consider the implications of climate change effects on the success of the project; and that meet other criteria specified in the announcement. Most past grants have been made for conservation in developing countries. Taronga favors applications requesting less than AUD$10 thousand per year. The application deadline is 27 August 2017. Link

The Taronga Conservation Society (Australia), associated with the Taronga zoos, calls for conservation field projects of 12-24 months for the cycle 2018-2019. Priority is for projects that demonstrate measurable conservation outcomes in the field; that consider the implications of climate change effects on the success of the project; and that meet other criteria specified in the announcement. Most past grants have been made for conservation in developing countries. Taronga favors applications requesting less than AUD$10 thousand per year. The application deadline is 27 August 2017. Link