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Earth Journalism Network — Reporting on Fishing in West Africa

The Earth Journalism Network announces grants for news stories about fisheries in West Africa. Subject areas may include the impact of over-fishing and IUU fishing on coastal communities; the use of destructive fishing practices, by-catch, and fish aggregating devices; initiatives in community-led fisheries management; poverty reduction and food security through sustainable fisheries; and the challenges of transboundary management of fisheries and shared fisheries stock. Grants are up to US$500 with some flexibility for deep, investigative stories using innovative approaches to storytelling. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 06 July 2017. Link

The Earth Journalism Network announces grants for news stories about fisheries in West Africa. Subject areas may include the impact of over-fishing and IUU fishing on coastal communities; the use of destructive fishing practices, by-catch, and fish aggregating devices; initiatives in community-led fisheries management; poverty reduction and food security through sustainable fisheries; and the challenges of transboundary management of fisheries and shared fisheries stock. Grants are up to US$500 with some flexibility for deep, investigative stories using innovative approaches to storytelling. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 06 July 2017. Link