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UK Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council — UK-Brazil Workshop on Insect Pest Resistance in Agriculture

The UK’s BBSRC and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) are holding a UK-Brazil partnership building workshop at FAPESP in October. The aim of the workshop is to bring together UK and Brazilian scientists for collaborative research on anti-microbial resistance and insect pest resistance in agriculture. Joint UK-Brazil partnerships will apply for pump-priming grants of £80 thousand in the UK, with matched contribution from FAPESP. The pump-priming grants will be for projects of no more than 12 months, to be followed by applications for full projects. The application deadline for the workshop is 29 August 2017. Link

The UK’s BBSRC and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) are holding a UK-Brazil partnership building workshop at FAPESP in October. The aim of the workshop is to bring together UK and Brazilian scientists for collaborative research on anti-microbial resistance and insect pest resistance in agriculture. Joint UK-Brazil partnerships will apply for pump-priming grants of £80 thousand in the UK, with matched contribution from FAPESP. The pump-priming grants will be for projects of no more than 12 months, to be followed by applications for full projects. The application deadline for the workshop is 29 August 2017. Link