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Agropolis Fondation grant for scientific platforms

Agropolis Fondation provides support to the establishment and strengthening of scientific platforms and projects that are of excellent quality, original and innovative. It supports relevant research projects that foster strong linkages between the Foundation’s research units, with strong international partnership dimension and those that promote the interaction between social and bio-technical sciences while at the same time with high potential to contribute to addressing socio-economic and sustainable development issues.

Agropolis Fondation Support Award for Scientific platforms and projects

Agropolis Fondation provides support to the establishment and strengthening of scientific platforms and projects that are of excellent quality, original and innovative. It supports relevant research projects that foster strong linkages between the Foundation’s research units, with strong international partnership dimension and those that promote the interaction between social and bio-technical sciences while at the same time with high potential to contribute to addressing socio-economic and sustainable development issues.

Agropolis Fondation Support Award for Scientific platforms and projects


  • Organization of new platforms
  • Reinforcement, integration, networking of existing platforms

Eligibility criteria

  • Opening up of the platform to foreign partners
  • Resources and products to be made freely available with non exclusive access

Evaluation criteria

  • Complementarity and coherence with respect to local and national programmes
  • Scientific quality, originality, innovativeness, feasibility
  • Openness and capacity to host and support foreign partners
  • Fostering strong linkages International attractiveness and visibility
  • Relevance to socio-economic and sustainable development issues
  • Added-value

Picture credit: Agropolis Fondation