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UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Brazilian-UK research on AMR and Insect Pest Resistance in Agriculture

BBSRC in the UK and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in Brazil announce a joint call for collaborative research proposals focusing on Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) and insect pest resistance in agriculture. The call is a two stage process. The pump-priming grants (first stage) are for projects of up to 12 months awarded to a maximum of £80 thousand. Only applicants successful in the first stage will be eligible to submit full proposals to the second stage call. Joint pump-priming applications are invited from UK and São Paulo-based researchers. The application deadline is 6 December 2017. Note: Researchers from São Paulo must consult FAPESP about their eligibility no later than 6 November 2017 (one month prior call deadline). Learn more about this call

BBSRC in the UK and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in Brazil announce a joint call for collaborative research proposals focusing on Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) and insect pest resistance in agriculture. The call is a two stage process. The pump-priming grants (first stage) are for projects of up to 12 months awarded to a maximum of £80 thousand. Only applicants successful in the first stage will be eligible to submit full proposals to the second stage call. Joint pump-priming applications are invited from UK and São Paulo-based researchers. The application deadline is 6 December 2017. Note: Researchers from São Paulo must consult FAPESP about their eligibility no later than 6 November 2017 (one month prior call deadline). Learn more about this call