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American Ornithological Society — Student and PostDoctoral Research

The AOS provides awards for student and postdoctoral research in various areas of avian biology. Applicants must be members of AOS. Latin American students are particularly encouraged to apply for the Alexander Wetmore Memorial Research Award for research in avian systematics, paleo-ornithology, biogeography, and especially neotropical biology. Other AOS grant programs may also be of international relevance. The deadline for applications is 26 January 2018. Link

The AOS provides awards for student and postdoctoral research in various areas of avian biology. Applicants must be members of AOS. Latin American students are particularly encouraged to apply for the Alexander Wetmore Memorial Research Award for research in avian systematics, paleo-ornithology, biogeography, and especially neotropical biology. Other AOS grant programs may also be of international relevance. The deadline for applications is 26 January 2018. Link