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International Foundation for Science — Research Grants for Individuals

The International Foundation for Science invites early-career scientists in eligible developing countries to apply for the IFS Individual Research Grants. Themes of the call are: (i) Biological resources in terrestrial systems; (ii) Water and aquatic resources; and (iii) Food security, dietary diversity, and healthy livelihoods. Eligibility for funding extends to researchers in low and lower-middle income countries (IFS provides a list). Applicants must be attached to a national research institute or a university. Grants are up to US$12 thousand for projects of one to three years. The next deadline for applications (English, French) is 31 December 2017. Link.

The International Foundation for Science invites early-career scientists in eligible developing countries to apply for the IFS Individual Research Grants. Themes of the call are: (i) Biological resources in terrestrial systems; (ii) Water and aquatic resources; and (iii) Food security, dietary diversity, and healthy livelihoods. Eligibility for funding extends to researchers in low and lower-middle income countries (IFS provides a list). Applicants must be attached to a national research institute or a university. Grants are up to US$12 thousand for projects of one to three years. The next deadline for applications (English, French) is 31 December 2017. Link.