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IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — Scholarships for Masters Studies in Sanitation

IHE Delft offers a new one-year MSc in sanitation.  Fifteen students will be admitted to the first edition of the program (academic cohort 2018-2019), and will receive a scholarship.  Applications are invited from young and mid-career sanitation professionals working in water supply and sewerage companies; municipal assemblies; government ministries; NGOs; and consulting companies.  The focus will be professionals from South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa– without excluding applicants from Latin America, North America, and Europe. The deadline for applications is 15 November 2017. About the scholarship

IHE Delft offers a new one-year MSc in sanitation.  Fifteen students will be admitted to the first edition of the program (academic cohort 2018-2019), and will receive a scholarship.  Applications are invited from young and mid-career sanitation professionals working in water supply and sewerage companies; municipal assemblies; government ministries; NGOs; and consulting companies.  The focus will be professionals from South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa– without excluding applicants from Latin America, North America, and Europe. The deadline for applications is 15 November 2017. About the scholarship