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Fondation Ensemble — Sustainable Development and Conservation 2018

Fondation Ensemble supports field projects in sustainable development and conservation. The Foundation’s focus areas are sustainable agriculture, sustainable fishing, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable technologies. The eligible countries for sustainable sector projects are Ecuador, Peru, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. Grants are a maximum of €50 thousand per year for two to four years. In addition, Fondation Ensemble offers a small project grant for threatened animal species (IUCN classification). This call is open worldwide and funding requested should not exceed €8 thousand. The deadline for concept notes (English, French) is February 2018. Find the Call for Proposals

Fondation Ensemble supports field projects in sustainable development and conservation. The Foundation’s focus areas are sustainable agriculture, sustainable fishing, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable technologies. The eligible countries for sustainable sector projects are Ecuador, Peru, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. Grants are a maximum of €50 thousand per year for two to four years. In addition, Fondation Ensemble offers a small project grant for threatened animal species (IUCN classification). This call is open worldwide and funding requested should not exceed €8 thousand. The deadline for concept notes (English, French) is February 2018. Find the Call for Proposals