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Eurasia Foundation — Project Competition 2017/2018

The US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange announces the launch of its recent project competition. Project ideas in the field of “Hands-on Learning in the Areas of Flora and Fauna” are welcome. This includes preservation of ecosystems and waterways, wildlife protection, and tech-based ecological stewardship. Teams composed of at least one US and one Russian organization or higher education institution are invited to propose innovative bilateral initiatives that benefit the people of both countries. Project teams may request up to $40 thousand for a period of up to eight months. Deadline for applications is 22 January 2018. Know more about the application process

The US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange announces the launch of its recent project competition. Project ideas in the field of “Hands-on Learning in the Areas of Flora and Fauna” are welcome. This includes preservation of ecosystems and waterways, wildlife protection, and tech-based ecological stewardship. Teams composed of at least one US and one Russian organization or higher education institution are invited to propose innovative bilateral initiatives that benefit the people of both countries. Project teams may request up to $40 thousand for a period of up to eight months. Deadline for applications is 22 January 2018. Know more about the application process