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West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use — WORKSHOP: Estimating changes in water availability in West Africa (extended deadline)

The University of Bonn (Germany) and the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) call for participation and abstracts for the COAST workshop (studying changes of sea level and water storage for coastal regions in West-Africa, using satellite and terrestrial data sets) that will be held in Burkina Faso, 12-15 February 2018. Applications from West African doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with less than 10 years experience in academia are welcome. Travel reimbursements are available for a limited number of participants. The extended application deadline is 05 January 2018. About the workshop

The University of Bonn (Germany) and the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) call for participation and abstracts for the COAST workshop (studying changes of sea level and water storage for coastal regions in West-Africa, using satellite and terrestrial data sets) that will be held in Burkina Faso, 12-15 February 2018. Applications from West African doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with less than 10 years experience in academia are welcome. Travel reimbursements are available for a limited number of participants. The extended application deadline is 05 January 2018. About the workshop