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Leakey Foundation — Fellowships for Paleoanthropology and Primatology Students

The Leakey Foundation makes the Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships to help students from developing countries get advanced education and training in paleoanthropology and primatology. Applicants should be already enrolled or provisionally accepted in a graduate program related to human origins and evolution. A fellowship provides for two years of support. The maximum award is US$15 thousand per year. The program has an annual deadline for new applications, and a different application process and deadline to apply for second-year renewals. The deadline for new applicants is 15 February 2018. Know more about this fellowship

The Leakey Foundation makes the Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships to help students from developing countries get advanced education and training in paleoanthropology and primatology. Applicants should be already enrolled or provisionally accepted in a graduate program related to human origins and evolution. A fellowship provides for two years of support. The maximum award is US$15 thousand per year. The program has an annual deadline for new applications, and a different application process and deadline to apply for second-year renewals. The deadline for new applicants is 15 February 2018. Know more about this fellowship