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U.S. Department of State — Global Food Security Strategy

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks participants to co-create, co-invest, and collaborate on research and development interventions to address development challenges for food and nutrition security in Asia. USAID invites organizations and companies to submit an Expression of Interest. USAID will invest US$ 3 million in total. The Mission plans to hold a webinar on 10 January 2018. Closing date for submittal of Expressions of Interest (EOIs) is 31 January 2018. Details

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks participants to co-create, co-invest, and collaborate on research and development interventions to address development challenges for food and nutrition security in Asia. USAID invites organizations and companies to submit an Expression of Interest. USAID will invest US$ 3 million in total. The Mission plans to hold a webinar on 10 January 2018. Closing date for submittal of Expressions of Interest (EOIs) is 31 January 2018. Details