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UK Natural Environment Research Council — Understanding Risk Forum 2018

Young professionals with passion for risk communication are invited to apply for the Pressure Cooker event on Risk Communication at the 2018 Understanding Risk Forum in Mexico City, 14-18 May 2018. Up to 20 professionals and students from all around the world will test their innovative, creative, scientific and technological skills to co-develop risk communication solutions to real world problems facing local decision makers. Financial support for travel, accommodation and subsistence is available for a limited number of applicants. Applications have to be submitted before 26 January 2018. More about the event

Young professionals with passion for risk communication are invited to apply for the Pressure Cooker event on Risk Communication at the 2018 Understanding Risk Forum in Mexico City, 14-18 May 2018. Up to 20 professionals and students from all around the world will test their innovative, creative, scientific and technological skills to co-develop risk communication solutions to real world problems facing local decision makers. Financial support for travel, accommodation and subsistence is available for a limited number of applicants. Applications have to be submitted before 26 January 2018. More about the event