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U.S. - Egypt science and technology joint fund - Call for research proposals

The U.S. – Egypt Science & Technology Joint Fund Cycle 19 request for Collaborative Research and Junior Scientist Development Visit Grant proposals is now open. Collaborative Research Grants foster research collaboration between Egyptian and U.S. scientists, with up to $200,000 USD available for each country’s research team.

Junior Scientist Development Visit Grants provide up to $30,000 USD for short-term non-academic training visits for Egyptian researchers to go to U.S. institutions. Researchers from the U.S. and Egyptian scientific institutes, universities, research centres, and governmental agencies are eligible to apply. U.S. researchers from private sector companies are also eligible to apply.

The U.S. – Egypt Science & Technology Joint Fund Cycle 19 request for Collaborative Research and Junior Scientist Development Visit Grant proposals is now open. Collaborative Research Grants foster research collaboration between Egyptian and U.S. scientists, with up to $200,000 USD available for each country’s research team.

Junior Scientist Development Visit Grants provide up to $30,000 USD for short-term non-academic training visits for Egyptian researchers to go to U.S. institutions. Researchers from the U.S. and Egyptian scientific institutes, universities, research centres, and governmental agencies are eligible to apply. U.S. researchers from private sector companies are also eligible to apply.

Applications will be accepted for research in the four general areas of agriculture, energy, health, and water. All proposals must be within one of the below priority or eligible topics, or propose work at the nexus of two or more of the four general areas. 


  • Priority Topic: Translational research into water issues related to smart agriculture, with a focus on agriculture technologies and water irrigation, reuse, and management
  • Eligible Topics: Smart agriculture; irrigation; prevention, detection, and response to livestock diseases


  • Priority Topic: Translational infectious disease research that strengthens prevention, detection, and response for humans and/or animals
  • Priority Topic: Translational cancer research
  • Eligible Topics: Cancer; immunology; infectious diseases; anti-microbial resistance (AMR)

Energy: Eligible Topics: Energy storage systems; new trends in energy technology and innovation

Water: Eligible Topics: Desalination technology; wastewater management and reuse

Other: Priority Topic: Responsible conduct of research in any of the four general areas


Applications will be accepted until the deadline of March 8, 2018 at