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United Nations University — Climate Fellowship Programme

The UNFCCC–UNU Early Career Climate Fellowship Programme offers young people from developing countries the opportunity to start their career at the interface between international climate policy development and research. Fellowships may last from six months to two years. Climate Fellows will be able to work in their home countries or internationally, deploying the valuable experience and insights they have gained during the programme. Applicants must be enrolled in their final term or have recently graduated from an advanced university degree programme in environment, climate change, communications, international relations or a related field. Qualified women candidates and candidates from least developed countries are especially encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted two times a year. In 2018, applications will be accepted 01 – 28 February 2018 and 16 July – 16 August 2018. Details here

The UNFCCC–UNU Early Career Climate Fellowship Programme offers young people from developing countries the opportunity to start their career at the interface between international climate policy development and research. Fellowships may last from six months to two years. Climate Fellows will be able to work in their home countries or internationally, deploying the valuable experience and insights they have gained during the programme. Applicants must be enrolled in their final term or have recently graduated from an advanced university degree programme in environment, climate change, communications, international relations or a related field. Qualified women candidates and candidates from least developed countries are especially encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted two times a year. In 2018, applications will be accepted 01 – 28 February 2018 and 16 July – 16 August 2018. Details here