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University of Nottingham — Developing Solutions Masters Scholarship 2018

The University of Nottingham provides international scholarships for postgraduate masters courses to nationals of Africa, India, or countries of the Commonwealth. Thematic areas include engineering and all sciences. Priority will be given to candidates who have not previously studied outside of their home country. 105 scholarships are available for the 2018 entry to cover tuition fees. Students who want to make a difference to the development of their home country are encouraged to apply by 23 March 2018. Details here

The University of Nottingham provides international scholarships for postgraduate masters courses to nationals of Africa, India, or countries of the Commonwealth. Thematic areas include engineering and all sciences. Priority will be given to candidates who have not previously studied outside of their home country. 105 scholarships are available for the 2018 entry to cover tuition fees. Students who want to make a difference to the development of their home country are encouraged to apply by 23 March 2018. Details here