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Fully funded scholarship for sustainable agriculture

The postgraduate on Sustainable Agriculture is a two-year program for graduates holding a university Bachelor degree in relate-able fields leading to a Master of Science degree (120 ECTS). In the first year participants follow the program to:

be introduced to agroecology, environmental indicators of integrated crop management and organic farming systems;

The postgraduate on Sustainable Agriculture is a two-year program for graduates holding a university Bachelor degree in relate-able fields leading to a Master of Science degree (120 ECTS). In the first year participants follow the program to:

be introduced to agroecology, environmental indicators of integrated crop management and organic farming systems;

familiarize themselves with the certification systems of environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural production

present the latest advances in the management of soil, water and genetic resources in agriculture; iv) be exposed to a thorough background of crop protection;

get acquainted with automation and modern recycled soilless greenhouse production methods;

understand innovation and communication for sustainable farming.


Applicants must have the academic level that qualifies them to undertake doctorate-level studies in their home country and corresponds to a minimum of four years undergraduate studies. Their degree must also be in a discipline compatible with the area of specialization requested. Additional conditions may be imposed for certain programmes;

A proven competence in the language used in the educational activities is required;

Selection is made on the basis of the files submitted by applicants – priority being given to applicants from CIHEAM member countries – and takes account of their academic results and professional experience acquired in the chosen field of specialization;

For each Postgraduate Specialization Programme, the final decision on the admission of applicants is made by the CIHEAM Governing Board, following the recommendations of the Director of the MAI in question.