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UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education — Fellowship for Water Professionals

The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs is partnering with the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education to fund masters degrees and short courses at Delft University of Technology for water professionals from Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The 18 month MSc programmes include 6 months’ field based research, to be conducted preferably on specific problems in the home country of the participant.The project aims to strengthen the capacity of professionals and decision makers to improve water management in SIDS, and to better address challenges such as coping with climate change. The program announces short courses open to applicants from Africa, Asia, the Pacific region and the Caribbean (countries can be found in the announcement). To be considered for a SIDS fellowship, applicants must apply for admission to an MSc specialization before 1 July 2018. More

The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs is partnering with the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education to fund masters degrees and short courses at Delft University of Technology for water professionals from Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The 18 month MSc programmes include 6 months’ field based research, to be conducted preferably on specific problems in the home country of the participant.The project aims to strengthen the capacity of professionals and decision makers to improve water management in SIDS, and to better address challenges such as coping with climate change. The program announces short courses open to applicants from Africa, Asia, the Pacific region and the Caribbean (countries can be found in the announcement). To be considered for a SIDS fellowship, applicants must apply for admission to an MSc specialization before 1 July 2018. More