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United States Government — Reducing Marine Litter

The US Department of State (Bureau of Oceans) calls for proposals on ‘Reducing Marine Debris through Environmentally Sustainable Waste Management’. Under this call, four grants of US$246,875 each will be awarded for work that will support efforts that help prevent marine litter from entering the ocean through (i) capacity building for the development of environmentally sustainable waste management systems; or (ii) reducing the amount of abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear. Eligibility extends to U.S. and international non-profit organizations and educational institutions. The application deadline is 29 June 2018. Find the call

The US Department of State (Bureau of Oceans) calls for proposals on ‘Reducing Marine Debris through Environmentally Sustainable Waste Management’. Under this call, four grants of US$246,875 each will be awarded for work that will support efforts that help prevent marine litter from entering the ocean through (i) capacity building for the development of environmentally sustainable waste management systems; or (ii) reducing the amount of abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear. Eligibility extends to U.S. and international non-profit organizations and educational institutions. The application deadline is 29 June 2018. Find the call