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Lincoln Institute of Land Policy — Fellowships on Land Policy and Urban Development in Latin America

The Program on Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy invites applications for its 2018 thesis fellowships. Fellowships will be awarded in the amounts of US$5 thousand for master’s theses, and US$10 thousand for doctoral theses, to students at universities in Latin America and North America who are in the mid to final stages of their thesis work. Thematic areas include one on environment and climate change. The deadline for applications (Spanish, English) is 21 May 2018. Link

The Program on Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy invites applications for its 2018 thesis fellowships. Fellowships will be awarded in the amounts of US$5 thousand for master’s theses, and US$10 thousand for doctoral theses, to students at universities in Latin America and North America who are in the mid to final stages of their thesis work. Thematic areas include one on environment and climate change. The deadline for applications (Spanish, English) is 21 May 2018. Link