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UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Biotechnology and Bioenergy in the Developing World

BBSRC seeks collaborative research projects addressing challenges relating to industrial biotechnology and bioenergy in the developing world. Projects my focus on the themes of agriculture, sustainable energy or clean water. Applicants can request a maximum of £2 million per project for up to three years. The call is open to individuals and organisations. Projects must be led by an eligible PI in the UK. Applications must be submitted by 06 June 2018. More

BBSRC seeks collaborative research projects addressing challenges relating to industrial biotechnology and bioenergy in the developing world. Projects my focus on the themes of agriculture, sustainable energy or clean water. Applicants can request a maximum of £2 million per project for up to three years. The call is open to individuals and organisations. Projects must be led by an eligible PI in the UK. Applications must be submitted by 06 June 2018. More