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Rare — Solution Search

Rare, Conservation International, National Geographic, the Nature Conservancy, the United Nations Development Programme and the World Wildlife Fund search global solutions to identify successful efforts that inspire behavioral change to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Submitted projects may focus on the way they cook, eat, dispose of waste, purchase goods, travel, and more. The overall winner will receive $25 thousand. Interested participants can submit an entry or nominate a candidate until 07 August 2018. About Solution Search

Rare, Conservation International, National Geographic, the Nature Conservancy, the United Nations Development Programme and the World Wildlife Fund search global solutions to identify successful efforts that inspire behavioral change to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Submitted projects may focus on the way they cook, eat, dispose of waste, purchase goods, travel, and more. The overall winner will receive $25 thousand. Interested participants can submit an entry or nominate a candidate until 07 August 2018. About Solution Search