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Antipode Foundation — International Workshop Awards

The Antipode Foundation promotes scientific research, education and makes scholarships in the field of radical geography. The International Workshop Awards are intended to support geographers holding events (including conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools and action research meetings) that further analyses of geographical issues and engender the development of a new and better society. Successful candidates receive up to £10 thousand (or its equivalent in the awardee’s currency of choice). Individuals are eligible to apply but the grant must be held and administered by a host institution. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2019. Find details

The Antipode Foundation promotes scientific research, education and makes scholarships in the field of radical geography. The International Workshop Awards are intended to support geographers holding events (including conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools and action research meetings) that further analyses of geographical issues and engender the development of a new and better society. Successful candidates receive up to £10 thousand (or its equivalent in the awardee’s currency of choice). Individuals are eligible to apply but the grant must be held and administered by a host institution. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2019. Find details