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SEED — SAG-Seed Workshops for Eco-Enterprise in Africa

SEED is a global partnership founded by UNEP, UNDP, and IUCN to promote eco-enterprises. The replicator workshops of one day introduce motivated individuals to proven business models from different sectors, with a follow-up process to match them with existing entrepreneurs. The starter workshops are incubation programs for teams with eco-inclusive business ideas, consisting of five workshop days and a test phase. The application deadlines are 13 May (extended deadline) for the replicator workshop in South Africa, and 27 May for the replicator workshop in Malawi. Link to Replicator

SEED is a global partnership founded by UNEP, UNDP, and IUCN to promote eco-enterprises. The replicator workshops of one day introduce motivated individuals to proven business models from different sectors, with a follow-up process to match them with existing entrepreneurs. The starter workshops are incubation programs for teams with eco-inclusive business ideas, consisting of five workshop days and a test phase. The application deadlines are 13 May (extended deadline) for the replicator workshop in South Africa, and 27 May for the replicator workshop in Malawi. Link to Replicator