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ETH Zurich — Opportunity Grants

The Leading House ETH Zurich calls for proposals for opportunity grants with China, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN countries. Opportunity grants will support activities of Swiss researchers from universities or public research institutes linked to specific events, incidents, or major environmental and economic developments in the region in Asia. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research. Senior scientists may request up to CHF 50 thousand for projects of up to 12 months. Applications are accepted on a rolling base until 2020. Find out more

The Leading House ETH Zurich calls for proposals for opportunity grants with China, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN countries. Opportunity grants will support activities of Swiss researchers from universities or public research institutes linked to specific events, incidents, or major environmental and economic developments in the region in Asia. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research. Senior scientists may request up to CHF 50 thousand for projects of up to 12 months. Applications are accepted on a rolling base until 2020. Find out more