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Woodard & Curran Foundation — Water and Climate Change

The Woodard & Curran Foundation funds innovative projects that apply or advances technology by addressing water issues relating to climate change. One total grant of US$100 thousand will be awarded over three consecutive years. Eligibility extends to US-based non-profit organizations. The proposed project can be located outside the U.S. (including local partners) but should demonstrate U.S. benefit. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2018. Find details

The Woodard & Curran Foundation funds innovative projects that apply or advances technology by addressing water issues relating to climate change. One total grant of US$100 thousand will be awarded over three consecutive years. Eligibility extends to US-based non-profit organizations. The proposed project can be located outside the U.S. (including local partners) but should demonstrate U.S. benefit. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2018. Find details