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tvebiomovies — Climate Change Video Competition for Africans

tvebiomovies invites African filmmakers to submit short 3 minute video diaries showing how groups and organisations are using technology to fight climate change. The top five videos will be awarded a prize of $US500 each. The top 20 ideas will be featured in a Case Study Library so other people can benefit from new technology and innovative ideas. Videos have to be submitted by 31 August 2018. Submit your video

tvebiomovies invites African filmmakers to submit short 3 minute video diaries showing how groups and organisations are using technology to fight climate change. The top five videos will be awarded a prize of $US500 each. The top 20 ideas will be featured in a Case Study Library so other people can benefit from new technology and innovative ideas. Videos have to be submitted by 31 August 2018. Submit your video