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Lush Retail Inc. — Lush Prize 2018

The Lush Prize rewards initiatives across science and campaigning that work to end or replace animal testing. The prize consists of an annual fund of between £250 and £350 thousand. Projects and individuals working towards the goal of replacing animals in product or ingredient safety testing across five strategic areas (1) Lobbying, (2) Public Awareness, (3) Science (4) Training, and (5) Young Researcher are eligible to apply. Nominees can enter themselves or their own organisation. The Lush Prize is open to projects anywhere in the world. The deadline for entries is 04 July 2018. About the Lush Prize

The Lush Prize rewards initiatives across science and campaigning that work to end or replace animal testing. The prize consists of an annual fund of between £250 and £350 thousand. Projects and individuals working towards the goal of replacing animals in product or ingredient safety testing across five strategic areas (1) Lobbying, (2) Public Awareness, (3) Science (4) Training, and (5) Young Researcher are eligible to apply. Nominees can enter themselves or their own organisation. The Lush Prize is open to projects anywhere in the world. The deadline for entries is 04 July 2018. About the Lush Prize