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Massachusetts Institute of Technology — Solve Global Challenges 2018

The “Solve” program at MIT announces four global challenges in 2018, inviting anyone in the world to propose solutions to them. The 2018 challenges include one on coastal communities, connecting to issues of mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Each proposal must include a technology element. The finalists in each challenge will be invited to present their ideas at an event in New York (simultaneous with the UN General Assembly, September 2018), after which the selected winners will be offered partnership opportunities. The submission deadline is 01 July 2018. The Challenge

The “Solve” program at MIT announces four global challenges in 2018, inviting anyone in the world to propose solutions to them. The 2018 challenges include one on coastal communities, connecting to issues of mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Each proposal must include a technology element. The finalists in each challenge will be invited to present their ideas at an event in New York (simultaneous with the UN General Assembly, September 2018), after which the selected winners will be offered partnership opportunities. The submission deadline is 01 July 2018. The Challenge