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US Department of State — Small Grants for Environmental Protection

The U.S. Department of State announces calls for proposals for its project entitled “Small Grants – Public Participation in Environmental Protection”. The project will be implemented in Chile, Colombia, Peru, Morocco, and Jordan. The purpose of this project is to increase civil society engagement in environmental protection and promote public participation in environmental decision-making. OES/EQT will award one cooperative agreement for up to US$500 thousand covering both Middle East and South America regions or two cooperative agreements for up to US$250 thousand each. Eligibility is limited to non-profit/NGOs subject to section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code, foreign non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and public international organizations. The deadline for applications is 18 July 2018. Find this opportunity

The U.S. Department of State announces calls for proposals for its project entitled “Small Grants – Public Participation in Environmental Protection”. The project will be implemented in Chile, Colombia, Peru, Morocco, and Jordan. The purpose of this project is to increase civil society engagement in environmental protection and promote public participation in environmental decision-making. OES/EQT will award one cooperative agreement for up to US$500 thousand covering both Middle East and South America regions or two cooperative agreements for up to US$250 thousand each. Eligibility is limited to non-profit/NGOs subject to section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code, foreign non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and public international organizations. The deadline for applications is 18 July 2018. Find this opportunity