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SEED — SAG-Seed Workshops for Eco-Enterprise in Malawi

SEED is a global partnership founded by UNEP, UNDP, and IUCN to promote eco-enterprises. The program announces starter workshops in Lilongwe (Malawi) during August and September 2018. The starter workshops help individuals in the very early stages of setting up their enterprises to refine their business ideas. Selected participants will receive training free of charge, although travel and accommodation costs are not included. The application deadline is 06 August 2018. Link

SEED is a global partnership founded by UNEP, UNDP, and IUCN to promote eco-enterprises. The program announces starter workshops in Lilongwe (Malawi) during August and September 2018. The starter workshops help individuals in the very early stages of setting up their enterprises to refine their business ideas. Selected participants will receive training free of charge, although travel and accommodation costs are not included. The application deadline is 06 August 2018. Link