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Australian Government — Australian Aid: Friendship Grants 2018/19

The Australian Aid: Friendship Grants program supports organisations from across Australia and provides funding for aid activities in the Indo-Pacific. Eligible Australian community organisations are encouraged to apply for funding of AUD30-60 thousand in three annual grant rounds. The grants will fund development activities that strengthen an overseas community’s capacity or socio-economic situation and improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people. The application form must be submitted by 27 August 2018. Friendship Grants

The Australian Aid: Friendship Grants program supports organisations from across Australia and provides funding for aid activities in the Indo-Pacific. Eligible Australian community organisations are encouraged to apply for funding of AUD30-60 thousand in three annual grant rounds. The grants will fund development activities that strengthen an overseas community’s capacity or socio-economic situation and improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people. The application form must be submitted by 27 August 2018. Friendship Grants