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International Organization for Migration — Training Experience for Young Social Entrepreneurs

IOM and partners announce a call for applications to participate in the youth entrepreneurship pitching event “Start and Scale-up for SDGs”. The event will take place in Geneva (Switzerland) on 15 November 2018 as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. Young entrepreneurs from around the world are invited to pitch business ideas that contribute to at least one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A selected panel of impact investors, sustainable finance specialists and other experts will then provide comprehensive feedback on the submissions. Candidates in the ‘Start-Up’ competition will have an opportunity to win a grant of US$5 thousand. Applications have to be submitted before 01 September 2018. Find the call for applications

IOM and partners announce a call for applications to participate in the youth entrepreneurship pitching event “Start and Scale-up for SDGs”. The event will take place in Geneva (Switzerland) on 15 November 2018 as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. Young entrepreneurs from around the world are invited to pitch business ideas that contribute to at least one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A selected panel of impact investors, sustainable finance specialists and other experts will then provide comprehensive feedback on the submissions. Candidates in the ‘Start-Up’ competition will have an opportunity to win a grant of US$5 thousand. Applications have to be submitted before 01 September 2018. Find the call for applications