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Toptal — Scholarships for Women

Toptal awards US$10 thousand and a year of mentorship to five future female leaders who want to change the world. (Note: This may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory, including sustainable development, livelihoods, and science.) The grant can be used to pursue a degree, attend conferences or implement a project. Applications are accepted from Africa, Oceania, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Please note that deadlines vary depending on the location of the applicant, starting with the first application deadline on 13 September 2018. Find the Toptal Scholarships for Women

Toptal awards US$10 thousand and a year of mentorship to five future female leaders who want to change the world. (Note: This may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory, including sustainable development, livelihoods, and science.) The grant can be used to pursue a degree, attend conferences or implement a project. Applications are accepted from Africa, Oceania, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Please note that deadlines vary depending on the location of the applicant, starting with the first application deadline on 13 September 2018. Find the Toptal Scholarships for Women