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SEED — Workshops on Starting Eco-Enterprises in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi

The SAG-SEED Starter program offers Starter Workshops in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi to guide teams of young entrepreneurs to refine their business ideas. The SEED Starter invites entries from teams who develop green and inclusive business solutions to key social and environmental challenges. Participation in the workshops is free, although participants need to cover their transportation costs and accommodation. The application deadline for the Zambia workshop is 10 September 2018. The application deadline for Zimbabwe and Malawi is 17 September 2018. Find SAG-SEED Starter

The SAG-SEED Starter program offers Starter Workshops in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi to guide teams of young entrepreneurs to refine their business ideas. The SEED Starter invites entries from teams who develop green and inclusive business solutions to key social and environmental challenges. Participation in the workshops is free, although participants need to cover their transportation costs and accommodation. The application deadline for the Zambia workshop is 10 September 2018. The application deadline for Zimbabwe and Malawi is 17 September 2018. Find SAG-SEED Starter