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U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — Saltonstall-Kennedy Grants for Fisheries 2019

The Saltonstall-Kennedy program funds projects that address the needs of fishing communities, and that build and maintain sustainable fisheries. The focus areas in 2019 are marine aquaculture; adapting to environmental changes and other long-term impacts in the marine ecosystem; fisheries promotion, development, and marketing. The program is open to applicants in the USA, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau — with priority for applications from the fishing community, and that involve fishing community cooperation and participation. Grants will range from US$25 thousand to US$300 thousand for two years. The deadline for pre-proposals is 05 November 2018. More information

The Saltonstall-Kennedy program funds projects that address the needs of fishing communities, and that build and maintain sustainable fisheries. The focus areas in 2019 are marine aquaculture; adapting to environmental changes and other long-term impacts in the marine ecosystem; fisheries promotion, development, and marketing. The program is open to applicants in the USA, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau — with priority for applications from the fishing community, and that involve fishing community cooperation and participation. Grants will range from US$25 thousand to US$300 thousand for two years. The deadline for pre-proposals is 05 November 2018. More information